Part Charter from Bremen to Alexandria
Just 1,5 month ago we reported about the start of a new project to Egypt. Last week MV “Zeycan Ana” left Neustädter Hafen, Bremen with around 2000 CBM / 500 tons cargo heading to Alexandria now.
The original intention was to ship the complete volume basis 40’HC / 40’FR and Mafis – divided between 2 different shipping lines. During the preparation of the same 7WL has counterchecked an alternative solution behind the scenes and proposed the break bulk solution to our customer as well as to consignee.
Considering the total costs from FOT POL up to loaded truck Alexandria Port the now BB solution was much more attractive. By this study 7WL has compared Port charges both sides, packing costs-differences for FCL and Break Bulk as well as of course the oceanfreight. After presentation to all involved decision was done within 1 day to change the way of transport to Break Bulk mode.
This is a good example of 7WLs workstyle – we are ready to go the extra mile and love “out of the box thinking”.