Scandinavia to US and Ireland
7WL is happy to report about another finished project in one of our main business sections. On behalf of IPPE, a world-leading player of used process plants & processes and used / second-hand process equipment we managed the transport of 3 reactors ex Oulu, Finland to DAP Site USA as well to another site in Ireland.
The cargo consisted of following items:
33k LTR Unit/ 720 x 370 x 370cm, w. 24,000 kgs
88k LTR Unit / 1110 x 440 x 440cm, w. 23,000 kgs
+ 1×40’ CTR with accessories
33k LTR Unit LxWxH: 720 x 370 x 375 cm, w. 24,000 kgs:
Considering the actual conditions on site and general circumstances like outside working area, snow and minus degrees,
COVID restrictions as well as shortage of equipment and last but not least changes in timeline we are happy to report that all operations have been managed without and issues and in time..
Thanks to our partners for assisting with job @#Polinowex on dismantling side as well as #Tschudi for the smooth logistic operation.
Always appreciate good “Teamwork”..