7 Worldwide Logistics (7WL) takes next steps for digitalization

28.06.2021 Last week, 7WL started a partnership with a digital service provider for project-ship-chartering. From now on 7WL can provide suitable charter or part charter-tonnage within seconds. The system allows us to have the right ship at the right place and the right freight-costs much faster than ever before. No more emailing is necessary, no more lenghtly processes are needed – test us and you will be surprised!

Furthermore 7WL joined another service-platform, that enables us to provide shipper’s own containers anywhere in the world. Within seconds we are able to inform about quantities available, place of availability and of course costs – globally!

We continue to move on simplifying our processes for the benefit of all parties involved!

7 Worldwide Logistics (7WL) takes next steps for digitalization