20.05.2022 Update: Relocation of a coal power plant from Southern Germany to Pakistan
20.05.2022 After some time which was used for planning of dismantling, the dismantling work itself and transport planning, 7WL can report about successful start of a relocation of a coal power plant from Southern Germany to Pakistan.
With a total volume of 250 containers and around 3000cbm of Break Bulk cargo this project is again a challenge which was accepted and managed by 7WL project team.
At this stage to our GIRN and EPN partner CHS Bremen for supporting us with a large number of good 2nd hand containers in a perfect condition at the right time and place.
7WL delivered them by side loader equipment to jobsite where the dismantling team of POL-Inowex took care about stuffing, lashing and securing. After some days we exchanged those containers at site with new empty container and delivered the full containers by barge to the seaport of Rotterdam where the same got loaded on FCL vessel towards Pakistan.
Additionally the break bulk movements started as well. The biggest challenge we managed was to move units with weights up to 80 tons and dimensions up to 5 meter height and 4.8 meter width from site to nearest inland port – in this case Basel. During next week the first parcel of around 2000cbm will get loaded on CP Break Bulk vessel “CP GALAXY” heading to Karachi Pakistan. The second OOG Lot is planned for departure around end of June.
Details to follow of course..
Thanks to all involved partners for the support here – another nice relocation project in the 7WL story line..